Sunday, October 10, 2010

.. id and ego ..

i seriously cannot let the id control the m3!
this is freaking serious and i shall think of a way to reduce the impulsiveness of the id
the id is starting to get wilder and wilder
more aggressive more impulsive
which will only do damage to the m3!

the ego on the other hand, was kinda passive with the whole scenario
sits down at the corner of the small room, just looking at the id running wild
but soon the ego starts to realize that it was time to take action
the id shall not dominate the m3
there must be a balance between the id and the ego

the battle between the ego and the id was seriously torturing the m3!
with all the confused and complicated feeling, it's as if the m3 was living in heLL
but seriously, the m3 and the ego understand that the id is playing a significant role in damaging the connection of the m3 with the outside world...

while the id is running free and wild,
the ego will do its best to repress the effect of the id,
and the m3 will really appreciate what the ego had done....

God bless the m3.......
id! stop hurting m3!!!

giv me sometime to adjust my feeling
everything will be ok.....

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